09 May 2024

Top Tips For Selecting Horse Shampoo

Selecting the right shampoo when horse grooming is crucial for maintaining the health of your horse’s skin and...

Selecting the right shampoo when horse grooming is crucial for maintaining the health of your horse’s skin and the vitality of its coat. Horses have delicate skin that secrete sebum, which nourishes and protects the coat. Using poor quality horse shampoo can remove these essential oils, potentially leading to skin issues and a lacklustre coat. This means it’s important to select a horse shampoo that supports your horse’s natural skin and coat chemistry.

Top Tips for Finding the Ideal Horse Shampoo

Scrutinise the Ingredients

Taking time to understand what’s in your horse’s shampoo can prevent skin issues. Natural ingredients can offer numerous benefits without the harsh effects of chemicals. Sometimes, however, there will be a trade-off between natural ingredients and effectiveness. Be aware that just because a product may market itself as having “all natural ingredients” doesn’t automatically make that product safe or effective.

Tips for Scrutinising Ingredients:

  • Natural Extracts: Natural extracts like Avena Sativa Kernel Extract (Oat Kernel Extract) can have soothing properties and be beneficial for skin. It can also help maintain moisture balance in hair, essential for keeping hair strong and preventing breakage.

  • Natural Oils: Moisturising oils such as harakeke (phormium tenax) or coconut replenish and enhance shine. Choose shampoos that contain these oils rather than mineral oils, which can clog pores.

  • Natural Antimicrobials: a natural antimicrobial such as Leptospermum Scoparium Mel (Manuka Honey) is an effective antimicrobial that helps manage and prevent ailments. Useful in treating bacterial and fungal infections, it’s ideal for animals prone to skin issues.

  • Beware Harsh Chemicals: Always check the label for harsh chemicals such as sodium laurel sulfate or parabens. Consider looking for gentler alternatives to prevent stripping the coat’s natural oils.

Consider Your Horse’s Individual Needs

Every horse is different and understanding skin types can guide you in choosing the most suitable shampoo.

Advice on Tailoring Shampoo to Your Horse:

  • For Sensitive Skin: Opt for hypoallergenic or oatmeal-based shampoos that soothe while cleansing. Be careful when applying specialised stain removing shampoo and apply a patch test first.

  • For Show Horses: Select products with gloss-enhancing and colour-enhancing shampoo like natural whitening shampoo with properties such as silk proteins or those that highlight natural colour and brightness.

Align the Shampoo With Your Grooming Practices

The frequency of grooming and the environment in which your horse lives should influence your choice of shampoo.

Grooming Routine Tips:

  • Infrequent Full Baths: During winter, consider using a complementary fast dry spray that will speed up the drying time when the weather is wet and cold.

  • Regular Grooming: Choose a gentle product that cleans effectively without drying the skin, allowing for more frequent use without adverse effects.

  • Tough Areas: Your horses’s mane and tail can get well knotty and tail can clog with mud. Grooming these areas can be complemented by using conditioner and detangler to remove stubborn knots.

Perform a Patch Test

Before fully integrating a new product into your routine, testing it on a small area can prevent potential allergic reactions.

Patch Test Method:

  • Apply a small amount of product to an inconspicuous area.

  • Monitor the site for any signs of irritation or allergy for 24-48 hours.

  • If no adverse reactions are observed, it’s generally safe to use the shampoo on the entire coat.

Do Your Research Before Horse Grooming

Choosing the best equine shampoo involves more than just reading labels; it includes understanding the needs of your horse and comparing different products.

Research Strategies:

  • Read Reviews: Look at what other horse owners are saying about the shampoos they use.

  • Ask for Recommendations: Talk to vets, trainers, or fellow owners to get their insights and recommendations on effective products for different coats.

Ensure the pH is Equine-Friendly

The shampoo’s pH should match the natural pH of horse skin to prevent irritation and maintain health.

pH Balance Considerations:

  • Check that the shampoo is labeled pH-balanced for horses.

  • Shampoos that are too acidic or too alkaline can damage the skin’s natural barrier, so sticking to equine-specific products is advisable.

Select Antioxidant-Rich Formulations

Antioxidants protect the coat from environmental damage and can soothe and enhance the natural defences of horse skin.

Benefits of Antioxidants:

  • They combat free radicals, reducing oxidative stress on skin.

  • Look for ingredients like Vitamin E or Manuka Honey – known for their antioxidant properties.

Adapt to Seasonal Requirements

Your choice of shampoo should also consider the varying needs across different seasons.

Seasonal Shampoo Selection:

  • Winter: Choose richer, more moisturising shampoos and conditioners to combat dryness caused by cold air.

  • Summer: Opt for lighter formulas that wash out easily, preventing residue that can attract dirt and dust.

Opt for Environmentally Friendly Products

Choosing eco-friendly shampoos benefits not only your animal but also the environment.

Eco-friendly Practices:

  • Select shampoos that use natural ingredients and biodegradable packaging.

  • Avoid products with microplastics or harmful runoff ingredients.

Consult With Professionals

For animals with specific conditions or health needs, consulting a professional before grooming can be invaluable. They will only recommend products that they trust will work on your animal.

Professional Guidance:

  • A vet can recommend medicated equine shampoo for treating specific dermatological conditions.

  • Regular check-ups can help you monitor the effectiveness of your chosen shampoo and adjust as needed based on professional advice.

Exploring the Different Types of Horse Shampoos

Medicated Shampoos

These are formulated to heal and prevent conditions with their antifungal and antibacterial properties—essential for managing equine skin health.

Hypoallergenic Shampoos

Ideal for animals prone to allergies or with very sensitive skin, these shampoos are free from common irritants and carefully pH-balanced.

Dry Shampoos

Useful for less frequent grooming needs or for spot cleaning, dry shampoos can offer a convenient, rinse-free option.

Colour-Enhancing Shampoos

Especially useful for shows, these lines amplify natural coat colour, ensuring they look their absolute best in the show ring. White socks, for example, can be highlighted with whitening shampoo.


Selecting the right shampoo involves understanding the ingredients, recognising your horse’s individual needs, and choosing a product that aligns with your grooming habits and seasonal conditions. With the correct shampoo, bathing transforms into an enjoyable and enriching experience, contributing significantly to their wellbeing and appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Horse Shampoo

What should I consider when choosing a shampoo for a horse with sensitive skin?

Look for products labeled as hypoallergenic or made with natural, organic ingredients. These shampoos typically avoid harsh chemicals and contain soothing agents like flax oil (harakeke) or oatmeal, which can help prevent irritation. Always perform a patch test before using a new product extensively to ensure it doesn’t cause a reaction.

How often should I bathe my horse?

This depends largely on the animal’s lifestyle, skin condition, and the time of year. As a general rule, horses shouldn’t be bathed more than once a week to avoid stripping natural oils from their coat and skin.

Can I use human shampoo on my horse?

We don’t recommend it. Human shampoos are formulated for human skin pH, which is different from horse skin pH. Using human shampoo can disrupt the natural pH balance of an animal’s skin, potentially leading to dryness, irritation, or other skin problems. Always opt for shampoos specifically formulated for equine use.

Can I use horse shampoo on my hair?

Well, to be consistent we can’t recommend this either however we do know that a lot of our customers do test their horse’s MiEqui shampoos (and MiEqui Mane, Tail & Coat Conditioner) on themselves and report that their hair has never looked shinier. 

What is the difference between medicated and regular shampoo?

Medicated shampoos are specially formulated to treat specific skin conditions such as fungal infections, dermatitis, or bacterial infections. They often contain ingredients like antifungals, antibacterials, or steroids that help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. Regular shampoos are used for general cleaning and do not contain these therapeutic agents. They focus more on cleaning effectively while maintaining the health of the skin and coat.

Are there any natural remedies for enhancing a horse’s coat shine?

Yes, several natural remedies can enhance a horse’s coat shine. Feeding a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can improve skin health and enhance coat shine. Use of a natural and organic liquid probiotic such as New Zealand’s own EquiBrew can also benefit horses coat shine and skin. Topically, you can apply oils like coconut oil or argan oil to the coat, which nourish the hair and give it a healthy & glossy finish. Regular grooming with a proper brush also stimulates the natural oils in the skin, enhancing the coat’s natural shine.

How do I perform a patch test?

To perform a patch test, apply a small amount of the shampoo to a small, less visible area, such as behind the leg or under the mane. Leave the shampoo on for the recommended time, then wash it off completely. Observe the test area for up to 48 hours for any signs of redness, swelling, itching, or other irritation. If any adverse reaction occurs, discontinue use and consult a veterinarian.

What should I do if my horse reacts negatively to a shampoo or conditioner?

If your horse shows any signs of irritation or allergic reaction after using a shampoo, rinse the shampoo off immediately with plenty of clean water. Monitor the horse for further symptoms and consult a vet if the irritation persists or if the horse shows severe discomfort. 


Choosing the right shampoo is crucial for maintaining your horse’s skin and coat health, as well as their overall comfort and appearance. By carefully selecting a shampoo that suits your horse’s specific needs and by following proper grooming practices, you can ensure your horse looks and feels their best. Consult with a vet if you’re unsure about which products are most suitable for your horse’s particular circumstances.